Sunday, September 5, 2010

For The Loved Ones of an Epileptic

It's important to understand your role as a support for an epileptic. Support and love from those around us is important so that you know you are not helpless. Education is important in understanding what is going on with your loved one during their seizures but also before and immediately after.
By taking the time to talk to your loved one about their seizures, how they feel, what they think and how they handle and deal with their seizures you will be able to identify how you can help them. The risk of depression is very high in epileptics so it's important that you provide loving support and encouragement to your epileptic loved one but particularly after they experience a seizure.
Education about epilepsy and the type of seizure your loved one suffers from is key also in easing your confusion and fear. Fear is a large part of epilepsy. The epileptic has fear as well as the fear of loved ones. Fear exists primarily due to the unknown. Not knowing when a seizure will happen or not knowing how bad it might be when it does come. The fear of not knowing what is happening or how it may end up damaging your loved one is also an ever present part of life for those who love someone with epilepsy.
It is important you find support while you are there to support the epileptic. You should find someone who suffers from epilepsy, perhaps other family members of an epileptic, and support groups are always good for providing yourself support and encouragement because you will need it as well as the epileptic