Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Neurologist Visit That Changed My Life

Since my seizures were not very frequent, I only ended up having to go to a neurologist about once to twice a year. If I was careful with sleep and with stress and eating right and taking care of myself, I would be able to limit my seizures to about one a year.
So, I was a senior in high school and went to one of the best pediatric neurologist in Nashville, Tn and there I sat after my regular exam and we found ourselves in a discussion about the future. Since I was a senior, I was about to be 18 and we were talking about moving from a pediatric neurologist to an adult neurologist and continued care, etc.
Well, I informed my neurologist of my goal and desire to go to college, graduate, have a career of my own and be successful in what I chose to do. However, he looked at me and told me I needed to forget about going to college and having a career because I would never do it with my seizures and my seizures would limit my ability to have a successful career. He informed me I should just go ahead and apply for disability and not set myself up for failure and disappointment.
Disappointment? I was heartbroken that this "specialist" was telling me I basically didn't have a future because of my seizures.
So, just because of the type of person I am, I sat out to prove him wrong. I applied and was accepted to college and had a scholarship to go along with it ! So, I set off for college, joined a sorority, and was very happy with being a college student. I graduated in the traditional 4 years with a Bachelor degree and set out with my goals to have a career and trusting God would show me where He would have me to go and what He wanted me to do.
He certainly did. I now have a career and have been a government employee for over 4 years and am also Director/Co-Founder of an International Ministry and a published author.
I do not say all of this to brag about myself but only to say that with God all things are possible and though a neurologist, family member, friend, or anyone else may tell you that you do not have any future or hopes or should not create goals and dreams then they are wrong.
I am living proof that God can take the most ill-equipped, problematic, and cracked vessels of individuals and do what He does best....show His glory through their life and what He does.
If I do nothing else with this post, this blog, and my life's message it is this....God has a destiny for us all and He knows our seizures and limitations but has a destiny for us NOT in spite of those limitations and troubles but by His holy providence....because of them !!

Monday, March 22, 2010

Dealing With Limitations

It's funny how one problem and limitation such as epilepsy will cause you to doubt many things within your life. I have been blessed by God Almighty to have success in many areas of my life and most importantly, I have success in serving the Lord Jesus. Perhaps not as fully or perfectly as I would desire but it has been a life worth living while living it for Jesus. However, epilepsy seems to make you feel as though you have a stigma on you in which the world thinks you are lower than them in some weird form.
I mean, doctors will tell you that you should get on disability and many doctors and other "experts" tell you that you can't drive or can't have a job or can't have a career. It's almost like thorugh epilepsy you lose your ability to live life.
Against advice of many individuals and "experts" in the past, I have pursued a career and a life and have had success within that life.
There is hope on the other side of epilepsy. There is life through the trials