Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Neurologist Visit That Changed My Life

Since my seizures were not very frequent, I only ended up having to go to a neurologist about once to twice a year. If I was careful with sleep and with stress and eating right and taking care of myself, I would be able to limit my seizures to about one a year.
So, I was a senior in high school and went to one of the best pediatric neurologist in Nashville, Tn and there I sat after my regular exam and we found ourselves in a discussion about the future. Since I was a senior, I was about to be 18 and we were talking about moving from a pediatric neurologist to an adult neurologist and continued care, etc.
Well, I informed my neurologist of my goal and desire to go to college, graduate, have a career of my own and be successful in what I chose to do. However, he looked at me and told me I needed to forget about going to college and having a career because I would never do it with my seizures and my seizures would limit my ability to have a successful career. He informed me I should just go ahead and apply for disability and not set myself up for failure and disappointment.
Disappointment? I was heartbroken that this "specialist" was telling me I basically didn't have a future because of my seizures.
So, just because of the type of person I am, I sat out to prove him wrong. I applied and was accepted to college and had a scholarship to go along with it ! So, I set off for college, joined a sorority, and was very happy with being a college student. I graduated in the traditional 4 years with a Bachelor degree and set out with my goals to have a career and trusting God would show me where He would have me to go and what He wanted me to do.
He certainly did. I now have a career and have been a government employee for over 4 years and am also Director/Co-Founder of an International Ministry and a published author.
I do not say all of this to brag about myself but only to say that with God all things are possible and though a neurologist, family member, friend, or anyone else may tell you that you do not have any future or hopes or should not create goals and dreams then they are wrong.
I am living proof that God can take the most ill-equipped, problematic, and cracked vessels of individuals and do what He does best....show His glory through their life and what He does.
If I do nothing else with this post, this blog, and my life's message it is this....God has a destiny for us all and He knows our seizures and limitations but has a destiny for us NOT in spite of those limitations and troubles but by His holy providence....because of them !!

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